Chief Abbot

The The Church of the Creator has no shortage of Priests, Monks, Archbishops, and Nuns in its hierarchy. With as much of the Mortal Lands as it spawns, it is not surprising. Yet few positions are are respected and revered as that of the Senior Abbot at St. Borel Monastery.  

St. Borel Monastery-Hidden refuge in the Mountains

St. Borel Monastery is one of, if not the oldest Monastery of the Church of the Creator in the Mortal Lands. Founded by St. Borel in the 300s, The Monastery has stood as a symbol of quiet reflection, hermitage, and pure devotion to the Creator. Also being the oldest Monastery in the Church of the Creator, the location draws no shortage of pilgrims, potential monks, and general tourists looking to sneak a peek. The St. Borel Hermit Society is often employed to keep these people at bay, so that the Monks cloistered in the Monastery can focus on their craft.  

The Chief Abbot

The Chief Abbot of the Monastery's duty is to lead his brothers in the life they have chosen to lead. He is also the designated person to deal with the accumlated paperwork that comes with the many, many petitions fielded by the St. Borel Hermit Society. One does not become the leader of the most respected Monks in the Mortal Lands lightly; it is not for no reason that the man chosen is often considered as, if not equal, then very close to the authority of the Pope. Whoever hold this position is expected to lead not only St. Borel, but many other smaller Monasteries within its range that sprouted up over the centuries.   The Chief Abbot is selected from within the Monks of St. Borel, with a long list of requirements; 15 years as a Monk at St. Borel, legitimate birth, ability to read and write, and so on. While many items on this list are taken for granted in modern times, in the early centuries of the Monastery they were almost vital, to be sure whosoever was chosen was fit to guide the monks under his care. Once a monk is selected, they must travel to the Holy City to recieve a blessing from the Pope, and be fully conferred into office.


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Aug 20, 2024 23:10 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and lovely design.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

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