
Masters of the Mountains, the Gol-Smitts are a reclusive species who are rarely seen outside the Begoria Mountain Range. Due to their large stature and unique dietary needs, they struggle to integrate into human society and prefer the small trading posts that dot the mountains.    

Lords of the Inferno

  The Gol-Smitts, as their name may indicate, are master smiths and metalworkers, able to create the sturdiest of shields and the most intricate of crowns with the same ore. Their secret is in the thick, rock-like hides that protect them from the fires they use to purify and forge their crafts; the very fires of the mountains. What would be impenetrable fields of lava to a normal human would be a stroll in the park for a Gol-Smitt, provided they are well fed.   Traditionally, the roles related to smithing have been delegated by a heirarchal status, not unlike the master-apprenticeships seen in other parts of the mortal lands. Here, however, it takes a pyramidal role, and an apprentice Gol-Smitt can take decades to climb to the next step on the pyramid.

Grandmaster Smith
  The Highest ranks of the Gol-Smitt culture, the Master Smiths are not only the epitome of their craft, but the elders of their clan. Very few ever reach this rank, and are revered as wise and knowledgeable above all else.

Master of Darksteel
  Gol-Smitt who specialize in the heavy ores such as Steel, Iron, and Cobalt. Their works are hardy, durable, and meant for long-term applications.
Master of Lightsteel
  Gol-Smitts who specailize in the light ores such as Silver, Gold, and Electrum. Their works are delicate, intricate, and can be made for display or for special events.

Apprentice of Darksteel
  A Golsmith who apprentecies to a Master of Darksteel, to learn the ways of the heavy, industrial metals. Gol-Smitts at this level are often tasked with the more menial duties to learn the intracacies of the metal under pressure and load.
Apprentice of the Forge
  Gol-Smitts who are apprenticed to the Forgemasters, who oversee the lava and coals that make the forges burn. They learn the ways of heat and smoke, how to tend the fires so they do not burn to cool, or too hot.
Apprentice of Lightsteel
  A Gol-Smitt who apprentices to a Master of Lightsteel, to learn the ways of the lighter, decorative metals. Gol-Smitts at this level are often tasked with the polishing and refining of the gems that are often inset in their crafts, to learn patience and dilligence.

Masters of the Mountains

The Gol-Smitts are the primary species in the Begoria Mountain Range, trading with the small outposts of humans that venture into the mountains seeking new resources. Mira and Ruben have trade agreements with the Golsmith communities regarding mining rights and trade. Lazuli was left in the cold, obstensively, after the Night of Falling Crowns. This being said the Golsmiths do not formally recognize Ruben and Lazuli as two separate kingdoms, and trade has continued as normal on Lazuli's side of the mountains, albeit under the radar.


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