Ichor Refiner

@fool is a tricky material to refine; not an ounce of magic outside of the normal ambience can be introduced, lest the liquid react violently and explode. It is a long, grueling, messy process, but one necessary to refine the Ichor into a usable preservative. It is also a craft that is seldomly passed on, leaving few Men in the Mortal Lands who are familiar with the technique.  

The Refiners

It is the Refiner’s job to oversee the process of distilling the raw Fool’s Ichor into the refined, tacky substance that enhances the substance’s unique preservative properties while making it safe to be around. The Refineries that handle this process are isolated, usually set far back from the villages and towns where the refiners live, should something go catastrophically wrong. The job of an Ichor Refiner carries with it a high risk of death, and usually only the very desperate or very reckless take this position. The Refiners are scanned every day for magical artifacts or charms, and all are required to wear cuffs of Mystm’s Bane alloy around their wrists for protection. They also wear heavy protective equipment and refiner’s masks, based on the old Plague masks and designed to prevent the Refiners from breathing in the Ichor.   Fool’s Ichor is poured from its procurement vats into long, shallow troughs above simmering coals; The Refiners must keep the coals stoked without allowing them to become too hot; evaporating Fool’s Ichor is a delicate process and often takes days. Ash has to be kept clear as well, if only to prevent it from contaminating the refined Ichor. Refiners are rotated out in frequent breaks for water and fresh air.
Alternative Names
'Ickies', 'Maskers'
High Demand, High Risk
There are a large number of regulations surrounding the position, due to its high risk. Some countries have suggested making these regulations more wide-spread in the industrial sectors, but there has been severe pushback due to how restrictive the regulations around Ichor Refinery are.
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