Lunis Archiapelago

The Lunis Archiapelago is a chain of islands to the southeast of the Eastern Seaboard, with Shimshar as its closest neighbor. Ruled by a monarchy, led by a Matriarch Queen, the Archiapelago was isolated from most of the Eastern Seaboard for a long time, due to the tumultuous oceans that it was surrounded by. However, innovations in maritime exploration allowed the Archiapelago to connect with the Eastern Seaboard at large, allowing new avenues of trade.   However, during the Night of Falling Crowns, the Queen died in her bed of natural causes. The dictatorship, then anarchy that soon followed, caused trade to grind to a halt, as citizens in fear for their lives fled for the Mainland. Reduced to a fraction of its former might, twenty years on, the ruined Archiapelago looks to rebuild its former prosperous fields and glorious capital city.  

Islands of Fire

The Archiapelago is formed from a chain of volcanoes that developed from the seabed. While their slopes are lush and fertile, the volcanoes themselves are still active, occasionally erupting in giant plumes of fire and smoke. The People of the Archiapelago used magic to craft large shields of earth and stone around their villages, forcing the lava to flow away from them and towards the oceans. once the lava was cooled by the ocean waves, it created new landmasses for the people to expand upon.   This proximity to Lava and fire has vastly influenced the people of the Archiapelago; They've come to carefully read the earth and the wrath of the mountains to determine when the volcanoes will next explode. There have been times where entire villages have put to sea on great rafts to avoid the wrath of a volcano, that even their earthen shields could not deflect.   This soil, though, results in the most lush and fertile plants ever seen in the Mortal Lands. A small field alone can feed a village for months on end.


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