Mata Ohu

Listen Again To Our Legend

You've heard the rumors, haven't you?   No, not the one about the Emerald Isle, the other one. Well, no one's really sure if they're the same island or not.   But there's an Island that moves.   No one's ever been able to make land on it to prove it's real, but it's been sighted a few times near the Crossroads. It always seems to be veiled in mist. And it's never been seen in the same spot twice.   What d'you reckon's on it? Treasure? Lost civlizations?   I guess we'll never know.
— ~A Rumermongerer in the Crossroads
  Mata Ohu, to the outside world, is no more than a legend. Sighted by ships sailing near the Crossroads during the summer months, it has often been mistaken as a mirage or illusion, seen by men who have been standing in the sun too long.   But the island is real. And only a select few know of its existance.  

The Lost Legend

If there was any race that would be expected to know about the Legend of Mata Ohu, the Mechanicals would not be one of them. Yet they are the keepers of its secret, both of its existence and the preservation thereof. Mata Ohu was planned to be a retirement resort by the Memoria in ancient times. However, the fact that the island began to move shortly after they began construction deterred them. The few facilities that had been constructed were left, along with the Mechanical constructs that were in place to care for the elderly. The project was scrapped, and the Memoria moved on.   But the Mechanicals did not. The ones who were left on the island, along with the Island Mainframe, took care of their new home, even after the Memoria died out and the order came to shut down. The Island vanished from all known record for thousands of years. The Island Mainframe, bereft of orders, began to develop orders of its own based on common tasks that had been set to its subjects. Marine and flora preservation was amongst its top priorities. They soon discovered that the Island sat on the back of a The Wylrd-Walker, whose path through the oceans caused the island to look like it floated from place to place. A 'cloak' of Mist was developed to further hide their operations from those on the mainland; The Mainframe could still recieve communications from the 'defective' Mechanicals that had not shut down, and some reports were quite disturbing.   And the longer both mainframe and Mechanical went without restarts or repairs, the more...quirks that began to emerge.   But that is a story for another day.
Island, Floating


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Aug 14, 2024 03:27 by Lady Wynter

An island that exist but very few know about, I like. I'm interested in knowing more about the Wylrd-Walker as well as to what happens the the Mechanicals as the go without restarts and repairs. I'm also left with the question of what the Memoria is. But what exactly does this island look like?

Bringing the Light
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