St. Jordan's Medal

Medallions and trinkets with the Saints embossed upon them are not uncommon in the Mortal Lands-Indeed, they are a way for a penitent or prayerful to reflect on the life of the Saint in question and their relationship to the Almighty. Most Creationists will have at least one in their possession, though whether it is worn on a chain around the neck, tied to a Rosary, or innocently left on a desk or shelf is usually up to the person in question.   This particular Medal, though, is more than just a small circle of pewter.  

St. Jordan The Apsotle

This particular Medal bears the image of Saint Jordan, one of the Twelve Shadowed Apostles who were the Savior's most beloved disciples and the ones tasked with his ministry after the Resurrection. The Youngest of the Twelve, Jordan was the Traveler of the group, often sent by the Creator up and down the Eastern Seaboard carrying missives between the Apostles that had been scattered across the Mortal Lands. He is the patron saint of Travelers, explorers and messengers, and it is a closely-held belief in certain circles that his intercession is marked by a cup of hot tea in some fashion.  

The Medal

This particular medallion bears an image of St. Jordan the Traveler on one side, and the words 'Pray for us' on the reverse. It rests on a silver chain, simple but well-made, with enough length to dangle hidden under shirts and vests. While most of St. Jordan's medals will match this description, this particular medal is special in that it has been enchanted with magic; specifically, the ability to communicate with an identical medallion over long distances. A particuarly keen eye will notice scratches along the beveled edge of the medallion, but to anyone other than its holder they will appear as nothing more than scratches.   The medal was originally enchanted by Elijah Goodvich, as a way to communicate with his cousin Reginald Goodvich, who at the time was under very close surveillance and could not move about freely. It gave comfort not to Reginald, but to the rest of the family who were forced to watch their well-meaning but magically-disinclined son be dragged into danger once more.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
>1 oz.
1 in by 1 in


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