The Battle of Walker's Canyon

The Conflict


The Kingdom of Asigea had been at war with a foreign nation now lost to history for almost ten years. While the conflict had mostly been kept to the border between the two countries, a rumor of weakness in the palace of King Ignatius IV led to the general of the opposing force, Immacolata, breaking the front lines and pursuing the Aegis army into Walker's Canyon. Just when the Ageians were cornered, however, their opponents stopped. Immacolata was a big believer in the force of bardic retellings, and refused to attack until the weather was 'thematically appropriate.'. This was to say, a thunderstorm. The Mortal Lands was, at the time, in the middle of a drought.   Clearly, something had to change.


Walker's Canyon, while not quite as deep as it is now, was still as treacherous a battlefield as any. Steep cliffs and crumbled rocks made marching in any formation impossible, and it was all too easy to get pinned in a crevice with no escape but through your enemy. It was cold much of the day as the sun could do little to reach the bottom of the canyon, which also caused deep shadows for much of the day.   And then, of course there was the The Wylrd-Walker. While the exact date of the battle was never formally written down, it is well known that Walker Time was swiftly approaching, making every day the Ageians were trapped in the canyon all the more treacherous.


The Mortal Lands had been engaged in a drought for almost three years, making the canyon bed as dry and dusty as could be. Nevertheless, Immacolata wanted a thunderstorm, a glorious backdrop for a crushing victory. It was three days before anyone took decisive action, during which the food and, more importantly, water supplies of both armies had begun to run low.

The Engagement

After three days, a young footsoldier from the Ageians had enough. Despite standing orders from the general not to engage until reinforcements could arrive, the young man snuck away from the camp and climbed the canyon walls with a single mission; find a Source-weaver to make it rain so everyone could get on with it and go home. He was soon joined by a deserter from the opposing army and a scholar tracking the movements of the Wyrld Walker.   They hiked for two days until they reached a small village standing at the edge of the cliffs, left battered by a raid of bandits that had threatened to return to claim the Source that sat at the village's center. The scholar herded the remaining villagers into the town hall as the two young soldiers banded together to face the bandits off again. Against all odds, they won and the bandits were sent over the edge of the cliff.   As thanks for their aid, the Source-Weaver reached out to the Source and listened to the sounds of the earth. "In the Thunder of the canyon, water shall pour from the heavens and wash your foes away." She said cryptically. Suddenly the earth shook.   The Two young men turned to see two sources of the noise. One was the reinforcements from Ageia , thundering up the hillside to come to their countrymen's aide. The other was the Wyrld-walker itself, slowly thundering down the canyon towards the entrenched armies.   After a short rendezvous, the general of the Ageians reached out with his Almighty Will, a strange power that only the sixteen children of King Ignatius IV wielded. The general could impose his will and directives on any person who took the army's oath, and he did so with great speed, ordering the soldiers of the Ageians into the crevices and small caves that lined the canyon. As the Walker passed the abandoned encampment, its elbow struck a rock, breaking it free from the canyon wall. An ancient cistern that had been hidden for a century was released, spilling its contents into the canyon towards the opposing force. The enemy was indeed swept away by a flood, and those that had watched their opponents and scurried for cover themselves were soon overwhelmed by the Ageians after the Walker had passed, assuring their victory.


The opposing force suddenly washed away, the Ageian army managed to survive the Wylrd-Walker's stride through the canyon, reuniting with the main force after the danger had passed. Water was still crashing down from the ancient wells, leaving waterfalls that remained for thousands of years afterward. These falls came to be known as the "Tears of Immacolata".


It was this unexpected victory that finally turned the tide of battle for the Ageians. Their enemy's generals and half their forces swept away, The Ageians pressed the advantage and forced their enemies back, well into their own borders. The territory secured, more small villages were folded into the Ageis kingdom's empire, further expanding their reach. It was this expansion that helped save the refugees of the Kingdom when Ageia fell at the end of the Jade era.
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The Ageians, revitalized by the sudden rain, ambushed the opposing army and crushed them.

Cover image: by TinkerTech


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