The Fallen Sun

For Every Light, there is a Shadow,   And this Shadow is very dark indeed.
  While the casual churchgoer would put the Fallen Sun as equal to the The Creator, The truth is that he is anything but. While the Creator is the Omniscient, omnipotent God, the Fallen Sun is but one of his many creations. Originally the 'prince' of the Angels the Creator made to assist in his work, regarded as the best and fairest of them in all things. Angels, being made of spirit and capable of understanging complex problems by sheer intuition, were presented with a choice by the Creator; Stay by his side and assist him in his work, or rebel and be cast from the Heavens.   And the Fallen Sun Rebelled.   It's said that a athird of the countless angels of Heaven fell with him, turning their backs on the Creator and being scattered to the Mortal Lands below. With his willful, single choice, The Fallen Sun rebelled and set himself a new task; separate every living soul that the Creator so tenderly loved from his grasp, and throw them beyond his reach. From his very first actions causing the schism between Man and the Creator, in which the Walkers were forced to roam the Mortal Lands until the End of Time, the Fallen Sun wound his fingers into every crevice, every crack it could to broaden the gap between the two.   As a Fallen Angel, The Fallen Sun is sundered from the Magic that flows throughout the Mortal Lands. Instead, his realm is the realm of the human heart, twisting their desires and inner emotions, distorting impulses and leading innocent souls down the path of corruption and darkness. Only the Mechanicals are immune to his machinations, due to not having a soul for him to manipulate.   And yet, all of his work will only win him ruin.


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Aug 19, 2024 16:44 by Rin Garnett

I love this spiteful angel. For what reason did he and the other angels rebel?

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