The Night Blessing

May the Creator bless you, and guard you,   May he make his face shine one you, and bestow his grace upon you,   May he turn his face towards you,   and give you peace.  
— ~A Blessing
  So long as prayers have been whispered in the Mortal Lands, The Blessing has been passed down from Father to son, Mother to daughter. It is not the grand liturgies of Cathedrals or the long marathons of the monasteries. It is a simple, quiet request, whispered above bedsides and kissed to the foreheads of children before bedtime. It is a quiet reminder that The Creator watches over all, and will seek and guide his lambs whenver they should wander.   The Night Blessing has traditionally been bestowed upon children, just before bedtime when the lights are turned low and the covers pulled high, when the moon hangs in the sky and the fire burns to embers. Gentle hands are put on heads, foreheads are kissed, and children tucked deep into blankets and pillows. The Blessing is whispered, and the children wished a good night.   While the words of the blessing itself draws from both the holy texts of the Church of the Creator and the Abaisi tribes, the blessing has become nearly universally used in any faith that draws its roots from the two. Even the weakest of faiths and the frailest of beliefs will still bestow the blessing upon their children, in hope that the Creator will bestow his blessing on them in turn.
"We didn't have a lot in those days- Ma and Pa worked from dawn to dusk just to put food on the table, and even then there were days we had nothing but beans and bread. I spent every waking moment looking after my siblings and making sure they went to school and learned their letters. But every night, without fail, Dad would tuck the little ones into bed and mom would give them the blessing.   Didn't matter what we'd all been through that day. we all felt safe once they gave their blessing. We could sleep well, no matter what."


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Jul 12, 2024 15:46 by Aster Blackwell

This is so sweet and tender <3

Jul 13, 2024 00:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this. It is so simple but so lovely, and I can see why it would bring a lot of comfort.

Aug 20, 2024 04:06 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful and so comforting.

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