The Queen's Society

Formal Letter of Recruitment

  It is with the highest honor and discernment that you have been selected to be a formal member of the Queen's Society. Pay will be per annum and room and board will be provided. Should you accept this position, please report to the Senior Steward of the Copper gate within three days.     With Congeniality,     [illegible signature]
    The Queen's Society is not a formal military unit by any sense; however, the intelligence they gather is vital to the operations of Mira's military and the safety of a kingdom as a whole. Those who would see them would only see a few of the queen's many attendants, courtiers, and companions. Hidden behind walls and thick curtains however, they are some of the most cunning women in the Mortal Lands.  

Silk and Lace

  By all appearances, the Queen's Society are her attendants, maids, and courtiers-The usual entourage a Queen is expected to carry with her when so much as leave her chambers. All are trained in the ways of drapery and dressage, fine dining and afternoon teas, walks in the garden and grand parades in the avenues. Hidden behind delicate lace fans and gentle silk slippers, these ladies form the gentle framework by which the Queen Lydia shines. They also serve as a gentle barricade, dissuading the overeager patrons and pushy propetiers from approaching without caution. They are the thorns to the rose.  

Steel and Grace

  Underneath the fans and silk, however, are knives of iron and spines of steel. While not all are trained in the ways of the blade, all have a secondary 'skill' that allows them to serve their queen as more than just gentle attendants. It's rumored that one of the members is a Kingsdaughter, though no one knows who or what their blessed gift is. Several are trained in the ways of intelligence and espionage, finding and squirreling away information that would otherwise remain behind steel doors. It is their solemn duty to keep the Queen safe.   And keep her safe they shall.

The Current Members of the Queen's Society

  Melody Starloft   Sienna Shipton   Fryda Bolger   Andrea Conte   Maria Gavin   Elizabeth Brady   Edda Harwood
Assumed Veterancy
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Aug 12, 2024 02:33 by Marjorie Ariel

These ladies remind me of Keladry's friends from Tamora Pierce's Protector of the Small series. Specifically, the seen in Squire where they play fan toss. They also remind me of the army from the Oz books that are armed with razorsharp knitting needles. I guess I've got a thing for delicate, but deadly. I love the titles that you gave the different sections.

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