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a sovereign ruler of great power and rank, especially one ruling an empire.   The current holder of this title is Emperor Sinford.


To become an Emperor, one must be directly related to the previous emperor, such as being their son, a brother, or their grandson.


To become the Emperor, one who is directly related to the previous emperor must be at least 12 years of age.


A great ceremony is held to appoint the next emperor, gathering the most important High Nobles and Nobles, together with the Grand General himself.   The transfer of the Emperor's title Is made by the Emperor himself, and if the Emperor is not available, the Grand General performs the ceremony.


The Emperor must bring glory to the people of the Steoryn Empire, granting them protection and expanding their territory.   The Emperor is expected to be fair to his people, inspire his soldiers, and bring only victory to his country.   An Emperor must pass on the title having left the Steoryn Empire bigger and stronger than when they received the title themselves, that is their duty.


The Emperor is in charge of maintaining peace in the capital while meeting with High Nobles and Nobles to keep the country in check.   Planning the targets and locations of his armies are also the Emperor's duties, leaving the tactics to his Grand General and Generals.   The Emperor is the one to engage in diplomacy with other countries' leaders if necessary.


Emperors live a life of absolute luxury, when not dealing with politics, have access to the entirety of their country's treasures and technologies.   Being an Emperor means your word is final, for those who live in the Steoryn Empire, defying the Emperor means death or at best imprisonment.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Emperor must wear the imperial crown, otherwise, they are free to dress as they please, this is, however, only a tradition,  if the Emperor chose not to wear the crown they could do so, and no one has the power to stop them.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The only scenario an Emperor can have their title removed is death.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of Steoryn
Equates to
The Emperor is equal in power to the Sultam of The Golden Dynasty, the Warlord of Casia, the King of Geladesh, and the Queen of Zar
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until death, or it is passed to the next emperor
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