Feral Fridays 2023 | Golden Relics of Worldbuilding

Past, present, and future... There was, and will always be, something to chomp.   What do you mean, "relics aren't for eating?"
  In this community where worlds of all flavors come together, there are so many fascinating histories and traditions to dive into, and that's exactly what these gold prompts were for.   Come dive into the work of these amazing worldbuilders who found the perfect ways to blend historical influence and the present life of their world in their articles, to tell us more about how their present came to be!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

Appeasing the Spirits
by Ninodonlord
This article is a bittersweet perspective of old ways being forgotten with time. There is sadness, nostalgia, and anger, making for an insightful article outlining the grief of being left behind.  
Appeasing the Spirits
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 18, 2023

Things have changed in the north. The humans no longer honor the old ways and worship false gods. What will become of the older spirits, now that they no longer see worship?

Mark of Devotion
by Vazdimet
Devotion is often something meant to be permanent, and this mark certainly ensures that you will forever live with the proof of your choice. What an intriguing and painful process!  
Mark of Devotion
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 19, 2023

Prior to serving on a Sanctorum Dreadnought, Militants are required to take the Mark of Devotion, proving themselves fully Devoted to the Grand Ascended they have been selected to serve.

Pit Promenade
by kitoypoy
If I were to keep a list of articles that made my stomach sing its songs to me the loudest, this one would be at the top of it. I only wish I could take part in this tradition for real!  
Pit Promenade
Tradition / Ritual | Mar 7, 2024

After their first Shatter, young folks in the Zone make a ceremony of riding the rail around the Pit in one day and stopping for a drink in each city.

The Dreamstone Codex
by MelissaPlaysRPGs
I adore articles where we get to see the ways different people interact with the same things, down to the little details. Who knew dwarves were such fans of margin notes?  
The Dreamstone Codex
Item | Dec 19, 2023
by Nimsy
There are few things more juicy to me than articles discussing things that people in-world believe to be true, but we, the readers, have insight into the contrary. Extinct species, huh?  
Species | Sep 6, 2024

An extinct predator that specialized in hunting sapients.

Mountain Heart
by CrazyEddie
Writing militaries has never been my strong suit, but I love an article that can describe defenses and military force and how it serves a settlement. Also, Dwarves pay taxes.  
Settlement | Oct 21, 2023

by Those2Nerds
An ecological mystery is always intriguing, especially when they're humanoids of unknown origin. Were they destroyed by their own inventions? Hard to say!  
Species | Jun 8, 2024

Now-extinct alien species whose ruins dot various worlds in the sector.

Mega Coprolite
by Mochimanoban
I wasn't expecting to read an article about mega poops, but I did, and it was a hoot! It's so silly to read articles in which characters get to be trolls to each other. Poor zookeepers.  
Coin under the mast
by Jacob-W
To offer a coin to the ferryman after death is a well known tradition, but what about paying for the passage of a whole crew? What a wonderful take on an existing tradition.  
Coin under the mast
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 31, 2023

Why do sailors put a coin under the mast of a sailboat?

by Callyxtus
It can be hard to capture the rise and fall of a city, but this article dives deep into the events which brought this immense ancient power within the empire down to a modest modern city.  
Settlement | Jul 17, 2023

The ancient capital of the Ikarian Empire, now turned into a modest city in the Blatian Empire

Days of Creation
by Stormbril
Cathedris is certainly a dark setting, if I'd ever seen one, but this article brings us lore of the gods in the form of an adorable children's book! The art is a delight, and the CSS is fantastic!  
Days of Creation
Myth | Mar 16, 2024

A historian's attempt at writing and illustrating a picture book to teach kids about the origins of the gods, long before they became husks.

by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
I'm completely enamored by the descriptions of this magical stone city in the mountains. It's articles like these that make me wish we could teleport into and see the worlds of others!  
Settlement | Jul 19, 2023

An ancient city in the mountains that became the capital of the Kingdom of Illtresi

One for the Road
by drunkenpanda951
Traditions are born from so many different factors, but some of the most fun are the ones born from misunderstandings. If you've ever had or taken something "for the road," here is a more literal take.  
One for the Road
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 20, 2023
Be Wary, Be Merry, Don't Be Contrary
by Twaren Stormborn
A shanty and a nursery rhyme, wrapped into one beautifully written package! In a world where negativity can overwhelm in horrific ways, it makes perfect sense to have warnings like these.  
Be Wary, Be Merry, Don't be Contrary
Myth | Jul 20, 2023
Call to Flame
by ThatMomFriend
When your whole world is bathed in flames, it almost seems silly to stoke one more. But, no! This is a lovely and heartwarming ceremony that stokes the flame within aspiring hearts and minds.  
Call to Flame
Tradition / Ritual | Feb 1, 2024

Ridiculous Chicken
by AmélieIS
With a name like that, I could never pass up this article! A parody of the enemy, and a terrible meal, these chickens play quote the role in this world's Light and Dark politics.  
Ridiculous chicken
Species | Mar 17, 2024

A truly ridiculous chicken the Dark mages choose to symbolise their enemies the Light Lords. They ritually hunted & consumed them to symbolise their defeat of the Light, thus driving them to extinction. They taste terrible & require lots of seasoning.


Fancy a Feature?
Jumping in on Feral Fridays is as easy as sending over your favorite submission of the week to me via Discord, or in the comments of this article. For the next showcase, we will be reading only Diamond-wave submissions, so get to writing! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!   Next Feral Friday is expected to run on my Twitch channel at 10am EST on Friday, July 28th! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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