Let's pull things together a bit, shall we? We have a lot of work to do!
Welcome to yet another year of WorldAnvil SummerCamp! This makes year four of SummerCamp for Malkora!
Pre-Camp Thoughts
See also: SummerCamp 2022 Pledge
In last year's SummerCamp, the
Iskani took center stage as the primary common link between the articles I'd write. This year, the goal is to draw links between the articles I already have, and to bridge the gaps with new content where needed.
I imagine this will include writing new regions to fill out my maps, creating new cities and ethnicities to populate them and interact with one another, and to find ways to link all of the seemingly random prompt-submission articles I've written over the years.
Reflections: Slowly Coming Together
I set out on this year's SummerCamp with one goal: fill in the gaps in my content! Looking back on my work done during the event, I think I can confidently say that I made a good start on that goal! There are, of course, still many loose ends, gaps, and maybe even some new ones added in along the way, but a lot of early concepts got written in and fleshed out throughout the process!
The continent of Nefyran seems to be the one I selected as my primary base of operations, and I think will involve the bulk of my worldbuilding for quite some time. I wrote a lot of new content for Nefyran, and I've also caused myself to add some rewrites to my list of tasks, as I've moved around quite a few of my earlier regions around to fit a new vision of my world.
Either way, I'm coming out of this SummerCamp with ideas galore.
Oh my gosh, that Conspiracy Board! I'm bookmarking this page for later so I can page through everything. Congrats on a great Summer Camp.
Thanks so much! I keep thinking of more things to slap onto that board as time passes and that's just a whole mess of moving and rearranging things! But it's so cool to have a visual of where all of my ideas connected during the event through my articles :)
Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!