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Xebrik (Zeb-Rick)


The lost world of Xebrik was the homeworld of the Kepek until they were forced to flee thousands of Bektep-Orbits ago. The history from so long ago is unclear, but the common belief is that the world was swallowed up by a rogue black hole.   Much about the planet was lost to time, save for a few undetailed planetary maps, but legend says it was a paradise. It was a large planet that orbited a (relatively) small blue star with an overall hot climate. It was said that the planet had rings, which delayed the Kepek's attempts to reach space quite considerably. It did, however, lead them to advance as an ancient civilisation rapidly.   According to legend, the planet was bountiful, but the number of Kepek inhabiting it began to put a strain on the native ecosystems, spurring them into searching the stars to expand and eventually flee when it was clear their world was no longer safe.
A hypothetical map showing the southern and northern hemisphere of planet Xebrik

Theories about Xebrik's Disappearance

The leading theory was that the planet of Xebrik was destroyed by a rogue black hole, but there is very little evidence for this. since that is what historical records say, however, that is what most believe happened. There are, however, other theories about what happened to Xebrik, including the following:

Eaten by a Talbek

One theory about what happened to Xebrik is that it was not a black hole that swallowed the planet but instead eaten by a talbek. There are even rumours that say a particularly large and aggressive talbek inhabits the area of the Atebik Sector where the planet was hypothesized to be. This theory is very popular among the Nabrai, however, others point out that it is unusual that the ancient Kepek wouldn't document this, as it was said that they to worshipped the talbek.

The star swallowed the planet

Some theorise that the star Xebrik orbited simply came to the end of its life and destroyed the planet along with the rest of the system. While this theory seems to make a lot of sense, if this were the case there should be a supernova or black hole in the approximate area, however, none have been found.

Complete environmental collapse

The most common alternate theory is that the actual planet of Xebrik is still around but is simply uninhabitable due to environmental collapse thanks to pollution and overpopulation. The ancient Kepek were known for their pride and arrogance, so it is possible they “lost” the location on purpose to cover up the fact they were the cause of the collapse, or to allow the planet to recover in their absence and prevent others from seeking it out.
Alternative Name(s)
The Kepek Homeworld
Location under
Owning Organization

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