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The God of Death, Destiny and Love, The Widow, The Silent God    
While other Gods are empowered by their domains, Mortu is bound by his. Death, Destiny and Love puppeteer him, making him omniscient, omnipresent and utterly powerless. These 3 domains are all fundamental foundations of life that cannot be defied, not even by their personification. From the moment a creature is born, to their final death Mortu is within them, beside them and ahead of them, aware of what awaits them all whilst observing them. The Gods are able to perceive Mortu, but cannot hurt him, nor he them. Mortu is able to communicate through the Gods via gestures and magic, but is incapable of physical or verbal interaction.    Mortu fell deeply in love with Sundara, the Goddess of Nature and she became equally enraptured with him. The two spent centuries isolated from the other Gods, basking in the beauty of life, admiring the grace of death and all the while enjoying each others company. Mortu knew everything that would happen to Sundara, he knew he would love her and he knew he would be powerless to save her. He tried warning her, but she only laughed and resigned to her fate, it was not her place to defy the laws of the world. When the Conqueror killed Sundara, Mortu wept by her side and through anguish and extreme effort, was able to physically manifest himself long enough to hold her as she passed away, his tears rolling onto her body. The God fell into a deep, bottomless depression, he knew everything that could happen, but was powerless to stop it. His form diminished, his conciousness faded until only the law of death itself remained, its embodiment gone, no longer visible even to the Gods.  



Lover (Vital)

Towards Mortu




Lover (Vital)

Towards Sundara



Followers of Mortu    
While a Follower of Mortu is not unheard of, it is rare. The God has no will nor influence over death, destiny or love, they are simply facets of the world that he represents, so while his followers may appreciate him as the embodiment of those laws, it is understood that no amount of prayer can change them. A creature may be reincarnated, but in order to do so, something must take its place and the creature that returns, returns altered their original self having passed on.
Sundara (Lover)


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