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The Goddess of Night, Fear and Deception, The Assassin, The Maimed, The Elusive  
Prior to the rise of the Arbitri and the Conqueror, Nocturne was the only God that could be considered hostile toward the Shieldmaiden and her followers, Solus specifically she loathed. When the War of the Gods started, it cannot be said that Nocturne ever became an official member of the Arbitri, but she so constantly launched attacks on the forces of Solus and his allies that she may as well have been. There were occasions where she worked beside the Conqueror, but she at all times refused to acknowledge him as her leader.   In an assassination attempt, she blinded Octolan, a close friend of Solus and was in turn maimed, part of her hand being cut off and her leg being permanently injured. After the war, she was one of the few Gods to not be turned to the Aegis, or sealed away. So still she stalks the mortal plane, injured still, but seeking her revenge wherever she may find it.
Followers of Nocturne  
Much like the other evil-aligned Gods' followers, The Cult of Nocturne works in shadow and subterfuge. They act as the counterpart to the Hallowed Inquisition. Where the inquisition seeks out evil to destroy it, the Dark Order aims to foster evil and help it grow.


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