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The First Source Rift

Celestial / Cosmic


During a fight between Solus and Desus an enormous burst of energy caused by blades clashing causes a rift in reality damaging the nearby landscape greatly.

By this point in the conflict, neither force had made any real ground in the war. The marked soldiers within the armies of the Shieldmaiden were taken away from the battlefield and instead trained in smithing, magic, prayer or other fields that could contribute to the war. Unfortunately, this meant that the Gods themselves had to fight against the hordes of undead that now made up the majority of the Conqueror's force. There had been a few brief skirmishes between Gods, Solus being involved in every one of them as the God leading most attacks, but never had there been a true duel until this point. Desus issued a challenge to Solus, that they alone fight in a duel for right to the Sun and its power. Solus agreed to a duel, not making any terms of his own, but refusing to back down from a challenge, going against the council of his allies.    The fight lasted two days and it was said that for miles, life had been eradicated by the sheer heat of their battle. There came a point where the Spear of Solus connected with a barrier of pure energy created by Desus. The implosion of energy caused a schism in the plane, the first crack. Through this crack poured Source, in greater quanitities than it had ever existed in the mortal plane. Their duel ended in a stalemate, both horrified by the destruction they had unleashed.

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