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The History of the Northern Provinces

A timeline of events leading to present day in the Northern Provinces.

The War of the Gods

The War of the Gods tore the planes asunder and caused (most of) the Gods to agree to never again set foot in the mortal realm lest they ever bring such destruction again.

  • 1 WG

    The Death of Sundara
    Era beginning/end

    The Conqueror kills Sundara, revealing to the Gods that they too are capable of dying and plunging the world into chaos.

    More reading
    The Eastern Woods
  • 60 WG

    74 WG

    The Forming of The Aegis and Arbitri
    Political event

    The Gods form factions, with many joining the Conqueror and some remaining loyal to the Shieldmaiden. Those loyal to the Shieldmaiden became known as The Aegis (or the Shields of the Realm) while those who joined the Conqueror became the Arbitri, those who would decide the world's fate.

  • 213 WG

    The Birth of Andrea di Cavali
    Life, Birth

    In a small military settlement high in the mountains of Cavali, the future knight, aasimar and eventual goddess of the Moon, Andrea di Cavali is born. During her early life, she was known to be extremely sickly, with little food available to help the infant grow.

  • 231 WG

    29 /9

    The Great Undeath
    Disaster / Destruction

    The a number of soldiers within the armies of the Shields of the Realm are 'marked' by Morrow. Veins in their hand turn black and form into the shape of a skull. When these soldiers die on the battlefield, they rise again as undead. The army of the living has to start making decisions on whether or not to cut their army significantly, or risk fighting with marked ones.   Notably, Andrea, at this point only a squire, was marked for Undeath.

  • 250 WG

    Dame Andrea Is Pledged to Solus
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At the age of 37, Andrea, a knight of the Aegis is selected by Solus to become one of his chosen knights, despite her being Marked for Undeath.

    More reading
    Forte Andrea
  • 257 WG

    The Blinding of Octolan

    Nocturne disguises herself as a cupbearer in a bid to assassinate Octolan and instead only succeeds in blinding him, losing part of her hand and badly wounding her leg in the process.

  • 280 WG

    8 /5
    781 WG

    10 /7

    The Long Cold
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Fesus unleashes a cold winter upon all territories controlled by the Aegis, making it even harder for the mortals to produce food, travel and survive. The Long Cold only ended when Fesus was wounded by Solus at the Battle of the Lakes and needed to conserve her power to heal.

  • 540 WG

    17 /3
    540 WG

    19 /3

    The First Source Rift
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During a fight between Solus and Desus an enormous burst of energy caused by blades clashing causes a rift in reality damaging the nearby landscape greatly.

  • 781 WG

    9 /7
    781 WG

    10 /7

    The Battle of the Lakes
    Military: Battle

    An invasion of the Riverlands of North Mytha by the Arbitri, resulting in the wounding of the Shieldmaiden, the death of several Yan aasimar and the creation of the Unfallen Sands by Solus.

  • 912 WG

    12 /12

    The Ascension of Dame Andrea
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Andrea sacrifices herself to save Solus, who in return makes her into a Goddess, burning away the corruption of her mark and forfeiting dominion over the Moon in the process.

  • 980 WG

    14 /3

    The Devourer is Sealed
    Disaster / Destruction

    One week after its emergence, the Devourer is sealed in the far corners of reality by the Aegis

  • 1000 WG

    1 /1


    The final battle of the War of the Gods, resulting in the Shieldmaiden and Conqueror assimilating to become the Unifier, a being of raw power lacking the complete sentience of either God.

After Unification

With the Gods planning their departure, the fate of Mortals is now in their own hands

  • 266 AU

    The Departure of the Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Gods, having repaired what damage they could fix across the planes, return to Prima and depart into the Divine Realm via Whiterock

    More reading
  • 441 AU

    12 /4

    The United Provinces of Mytha
    Diplomatic action

    Mytha unites under the banner of the Everking, the world is at peace and social improvements vastly improve quality of life. For the first time in a long time, the mortal plane is doing as well as it did during the age of the Gods.

  • 775 AU

    2 /3
    902 AU

    22 /7

    War with Averna
    Political event

    Averna, an Empire to the east of Mytha declares war on Mytha. It is eventually uncovered that much of the Avernan heirarchy were apart of the Undead Court and sought to give power to their God, Morrow.

  • 902 AU

    The Formation of the Hallowed Inquisition
    Gathering / Conference

    Fearing how successfully cultists had infiltrated Averna's hierarchy and taken control of an entire country, the Church of Aegis is sanctioned by the United Provinces to create an inquisition into dark magic. The Inquisition would not act on behalf of the Everking, it would run on the word of the Gods and high ranking Prietars/Pretarias.

  • 1120 AU

    30 /10

    Destruction of the Cult of Avarice
    Military: Battle

    In the Central Provinces, it was revealed that 3 kings had begun worshipping Avarice, making regular sacrifices to the God in exchange for increased powers. Their plans of domination were put to an end by Dame Andrea, an agent of the Hallowed Inquisition, a Knight Errant, and a ranger from a small town.

  • 1498 AU

    8 /6
    1551 AU

    27 /4

    The Aberrant War
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Aberrant War was a conflict in which a seperate mortal plane found a way to travel to Prima, bringing a large invasion force with them. The beings that followed were horrors of magic, creatures stitched together unnaturally with abilities hitherto unseen in Prima. The event resulted in a larger quanity of Source flowing into Prima, changing its fauna and people.

  • 1501 AU

    1514 AU

    The Fall of the North

    The intial invasion forces were in hindsight, mere scouting parties. The northern kings were able to hold them back at first, but when the armies arrived, the Northern Provinces quickly fell with only select settlements surviving the bloody engagement.

  • 1502 AU

    6 /12

    Birth of Styx
    Life, Birth

    A human Northerner is born as the provinces fall around them. They are raised as a soldier, eventually returning to fight for her homeland.

  • 1514 AU

    1524 AU

    The Fall of the Central Provinces
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Central Provinces fell even quicker than the North. Some fled to the Unfallen Sands, where Queen Lavissa of the Leonin was still holding her ground against the invading forces, but most retreated to the Southern Provinces, where Mytha would make its last stand.

  • 1529 AU

    Mytha, Unbroken
    Military action

    Restructuring and divine intervention prevent extinction for the Mythans. The United Provinces become the Mythan Empire, the Order Unbroken is formed by Dame Andrea and the Church of Aegis, the Rangers are formed.

  • 1532 AU

    1551 AU

    The Reclaiming of Mytha
    Military action

    The Mythan Empire and Order Unbroken fought back the invading forces, reclaiming the Central and Northern Provinces. The victory was in large part attributed to the Empire Rangers, who launched a series of ambushes against key Aberrant strongholds, shutting down production facilities and sealing the Source Tears through which their forces came.

  • 1535 AU

    19 /3

    Birth of Vik
    Life, Birth

    The Drow child of a ranger is born in the middle of an ongoing war, constantly on the move from one military camp to another, eventually settling in Argham

  • 1543 AU

    18 /9

    Birth of Flint
    Life, Birth

    As the Empire returns to reclaim the Northern Provinces, a Goblin child is born in the lower city of Nadova. One of the only safehavens there has been in the North while the war raged on. Food is scarce and survival is gritty, but worthwhile.

  • 1548 AU

    3 /2

    Birth of Caliban
    Life, Birth

    As the monastary of Santo Rello is being constructed, a Pretaria of Solus gives birth to her child. The child comes out marked by undeath and is isolated from the world, its purpose yet to be decided.

  • 1550 AU

    13 /6

    Birth of Athore
    Life, Birth

    A Leonin is born in Tir Grasair as his people assist the Empire in reclaiming their land and shutting down remaining invading forces.

  • 1551 AU

    1551 AU

    The Great Tear is Closed
    Military action

    For many the war was over, but within the Broken Isles, invading forces still gathered, ready for a second assault on Mytha. A small band of Empire Rangers infiltrated the largest of the military strongholds and successfully sealed the largest of the rifts connecting the invaders' plane to Prima

  • 1560 AU

    1561 AU

    The Declawing of the Leonin
    Criminal Activity

    The Leonin had been promised that they would retain their autonomy after the war, when this was revealed to not be the case, they rose up in rebellion against the Empire. The Captain of the forces dealing with the rebellion became infamous for declawing the children of Leonin who rebelled. The rebellion ended after less than a year, with the Leonin's champion, the grandson of Lavissa the Great being killed in one on one combat with the Captain. The actions were later condemned by the Empire, who dishonerably discharged the Captain.

  • 1570 AU

    The Present Day
    Era beginning/end

    The Empire has reclaimed much of its territory, the Leonin remain subjugated, the Druids of the Wood are launching constant attacks on civilisation. Fears of a second invasion are still in the public concious, and amidst this growing tension, some turn to darker Gods for reassurance.