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"Goblins: vicious little devils. Geoff, Tavarn, draw your blades. We shall slay these beasties so they will never harm another soul." Ed Bimble to his posse, moments before the massacre of a peaceful goblin village.

Basic Information


Short, thin, and gangly humanoids, with large heads and long pointed ears. Sharp teeth hide behind their thick lips, and big black eyes sit just a little too wide between their small button-noses.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins are much like humans, in that it is often very easy for them to make their homes anywhere (within reason, of course.) From woodland villages to jungle tree-huts, hive-like cave systems to sprawling desert shanties. Goblins are found just about everywhere, and adapt accordingly.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblins tend to live in groups. There is generally an elder which speaks for their tribe or village, and a champion; the strongest of the group. The rest fill their various roles in whatever type of society they live in.

Average Intelligence

Goblin intelligence is often attributed to their location, and other nearby civilizations. They have the potential to be about as smart as a human, if provided the appropriate schooling. However it is most common to find fairly dimwitted goblins, which either don't have access to, or have no desire for, knowledge and learning. Less common but still fairly abundant are goblin tribes or villages which have been treated like monsters by nearby civilizations. These goblins, having been treated only cruelly by the other races, know only cruelty, and are generally hostile to just about anything. They act solely on animalistic instinct.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins can see very well in the dark, though bright light tends to give them a headache. They can smell about as well as a dog, often able to detect potential threats or predators well ahead of time.
Genetic Descendants
40 years
Average Height
3 feet
Average Weight
40 pounds
Average Physique
The average goblin is skinny, though they are fairly strong, for their size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goblin skin is often shades of pale green or olive. Their hair is generally black, though shades of brown and blonde are rarely found.
Geographic Distribution

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