
One of the more advanced forms of Raksha, second only to the Ishvara, whose legend is paramount.

"Let me tell you the tale of Balor of the Terrible Gaze, whose legend is paramount, whose story inspires all others!"

"I would tell you of the mighty Balor, whose example shines for us all!""

Many are the stories I've collected from them about Balor, apparently their hero, although I don't believe for a second that he could have defeated Ignis Divine himself in fair combat.. But from my research, Balor was an Ishvara, a legendary figure among the Raksha, one whose reality is seldom encountered. More frequent are the Panjundrums, the next most powerful afflictiom that affects the more powerful of the Raksha.

It is not uncommon for a meteorically-rising Panjundrum to be referred to as Anarch-Panjundrum, as Anarch is a title that must be held for a specified length of time, prescribed by some of the stranger light sources in the Wyld that pass for its constellations.

— The Royal Stepping-goose treatise, Regard of Knowledge.[


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