All-Creation-Settle-Down, chosen of She Who Lives in Her Name

"Dragon of Heaven, why is she here?"

"She was apprehended in Yu-Shan's theatre district, preaching for one of the Yozis..."

"Which one?"

"The one we don't name, not in Yu-Shan, not after the last time..."

"Bring her in..."

A few moments later.

"I am Nara-O, Gatekeeper of the Forbidding Manse, Lord of Secrets Untold, tell me, who are you?"

"I am All-Creation-Settle-Down, uppity usurper! I am the chosen of She... What? Why can't I finish saying her name?"

"Hmm... Oh that, well someone else who worships her made a ruckus, quite a Kerfluffle, really, in Yu-Shan, we took a page in her book, and made it against the laws of reality to say her name in Yu-Shan... Does simplify quite a few things... But you can write it, if it is helpful... I will have no trouble writing down an abbreviation of her name, it's death on scribes, just to write quite so many words, just for one person."


"What is that design on your face?"

"On my face is marked a dot for each of the pieces taken out in the Three Spheres Cataclysm, the pain is excruciating! But I chose this!"

"For what purpose?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, secret-monger?"

"Enough, I am Nara-O, god of secrets known to only one person!"

"I know, but this secret is known to two persons, so you will not learn it quite so easily, secret-monger..."


"Not going to ask me who else knows?"

"Oh, it's quite obvious, who else but the perpetrator..."

"Arggh, it burns, make it stop!"

"Take her away, and bring me the next one..."

— Interrogation of All-Creation-Settle-Down, chosen of She Who Lives in Her Name by Nara-O, the Forbidding Manse of Ivy Yu-Shan, 769RR.

"Welcome, troubler of consciences, time for you to tell me your secrets."

"I've told Mom all that I know!"

— Notes from the next interrogation.
Year of Birth
746 AoS 23 Years old


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