Combative Mattresses

I was born Tepet Sersi Landon, an unexalted dynast in Juche prefecture, to very unhappy parents. Quite overshadowed by my exalted relatives, I really was quite happy to be overlooked, for a time.   Then I met Sesus Nagezzar, he encouraged me to choose my own path. I didn't know I was to be embroiled into such turmoil, and finally left the Blessed Isle within the year.   Within a few weeks of my arrival in Chiaroscuro, Ophilis Sen chosen of the sun, had invited me to the Tang-Zen Crime Syndicate. Later, he'd introduced me to one of our agents Ophilis Senex and we hit it off, now, I'm the main man in Nexus, when I'm there, and we're working on extending tentacles to Sijan and Lookshy and Champloor.


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