Countess Wadine

I met the boy, Stelsor, today. How easy it is to distract him, to fill his thoughts with trifles, for all his anger. The fire is there, he can be tempered, but for now he is like tin, easily molded, ductile.

I also met the one he was to become a part of, Winds of Adorjan screamed in their incomprehensible paean her name, constellations in Cecelyne moved to make the glyphs of the constellations outside of Malfeas for a rare time. Then there was the girl, such a disappointment. She was of course, besotted with them both, how could she not? She hadn't even come into her powers yet, hadn't yet felt the pull of the great Astrology. Her thread on the loom was coming though, even I could tell that... She would be one to reckon with, foolish she may have been without the assistance of her third soul, she had fire and conviction, and drive, always she would lead her companions into mischief.

I shouldn't be so hard on her, I was very much like her before, when I was young. Fire without smoke. who thought me martial arts, always signed I led with my face, instead of my feet. I haven't seen him in a long time, I hope he's ok.

Anyways, there's a few times he certainly was right, especially that one time I borrowed the Cataphract of Keys, made my way to Ligier, the green sun of Malfeas hisself, and challenged him to Spar, hand to blade. Landing on him a blow such that he conceded, and withdrew from the field. Sondok told me not to get cocky, but I could tell even she was impressed, I was still young...

— Wadine's secret diary


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