

"Psst. Rivertide is the word."

"When the river has tides, the fish start walking."

Asteri breathed a little easier, this part of the recruitment was never easy. Every day she heard rumours of attempts at infiltrating the movement by agents of Ysyr, and every week, it seemed, the bounty for live capture of freehold agents went up. "Were you followed?"

"I didn't see anyone, and yes, I checked, were you?"

"I checked, there's only old one-eye, and he's on our side. What did you bring me?"

"This is the guard's schedule for the week, we now know when and where they'll be weakest, so we can plan our strikes..."

"The address? That's too obvious, no way they're not reinforcing then..."

"That's the orders they gave the guards..."

"Doesn't prevent them from hiring mercenaries, or using spell-wrought constructs. I'll let the leadership know about your information, but we should stay well away from them on Marsday."

Illicit, Terrorist group


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