Friendships Broken

A broken-down, emotionally damaged exalt, Friendships Broken rose from relative obscurity to that of Saturn's corruption troubleshooter. His non-involvement with cases enforced through sorcery, after some horrific emotional blackmail, making the rounds as a 'juicy story'. Friendships, as he's more casually known, tries not to let it get to him, but he'd be lying if he said it hadn't taken a toll. Friendships and more had to be let go on the altar of impartiality, Friendship's relationships with Saturn's daughters, some three of them, had raised his patron's eyebrows.

Careful investigation on Saturn's part had quickly shown Friendships was targeted as the most likely to be given the arduous task to audit a given situation. A quick trip to the loom had shown her he'd keep on this path, given suitable tweaks to his soul. He was her incorruptible, the bulwark of an honest heaven.

To keep him sane, special precautions had to be taken. The Special Convention was handy for that, give someone a second, hidden identity, and so doing, give him a safety valve, a way to express his urges, his anger, his emotions.

Or a third, or a fourth. One of Mars' chosen was well past twenty identities at this point, while some of Jupiter's might as well not exist, as only Jupiter and her main deputy, Nara-O would even remember meeting Fire without smoke. Saturn had met him in her guise as the The orchardmaster, but she hadn't realized it, she couldn't say who he was, if she met him again...

One of Venus' had seven identities, but there was something... Oh, right, that tale is for another day.



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