Global order of Kai-rin

Reaching even into Yu-Shan, the GOK has a wide spread. Having snatched at least a pair of Sidereals to their cause.

They're present in Nexus, and count as their prominent members Merchant Lady Grimwolde, real estate magnate, Merchant Lady Cunégonde, co-owner of Dreaming Sea Caravan Compact and Luxana, goddess of written records, albeit not in her official capacity.

I looked at the city official. She was matronly, well-dressed, but otherwise nondescript. "You've been lied to." She paused, as if to let me drink the wisdom of what she had just said. "Even the moniker 'five-score fellowship' is a lie. Or at least, a recent invention. In the time of the great contagion, it was six-score."

She aid that, to me, as if it was some great wisdom, and I was not entrusted with secrets that truly made the pillars of reality tremble, I was the hand of the Green Lady, and our deft manipulation had kept Sidereals at war from one another, albeit, she had been doing so for almost a thousand years now, and knew well how to keep our kind from fighting one another, while I was just a pup, barely three decades into life, and two in service.

But the secret she spoke of, the Secret Convention, I knew, I had known for a long time. I had erased it from the mind of my companion, I kept erasing it from his mind, he could not be allowed to remember those who had almost killed him that day. Those superhuman exemplars of the will of the maidens, who had battered and bruised our ship for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, they were a secret I was vowed by Jupiter herself to keep. So I didn't react at all, smiled at her graciously, and said:

"I expect you to think this is significant? I am a chosen of secrets, I expect to be lied to, by my friends, first of all."

"I'd have expected you to know who, and how many, allies you can count on."

I lied. "I do, no one, no one at all. What's your excuse?"

"Oh, I have allies, we have a kind of idea of the Creation we want."

— My world in secrets, apocryphal diary of a chosen of secrets.
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