Grim Admonition

Grim Admonition is chief among the The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Waters/Silver Prince’s lictors, the Ghost-Blooded secret police in service to the Ministry of Harmonious Divisions (p. XX). She wears the pewter half-mask that is a lictor’s badge of office, its brow marked with a symbol sacred to the Prince. A skilled infiltrator in his own right, she has spent her thirty years as chief personally apprenticing dozens of lictors who have now risen to prominence among the order. The Prince allows this because Grim Admonition never weights the dice for her apprentices — if they succeed, it is because she has a peerless cunning for cultivating talent and discretion. Her inquisitions into the affairs of thanatocrats have left her with many puissant enemies in Skullstone, and she now surveys her fellow lictors for her successor — and also turns her gaze upon the Prince’s deathknights, for dark horse candidates.


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