Kynarzi, the roast, basted, southern death moa

In the year 769, when I went to Nexus, before I started my own restaurant, I was hired to provide a smattering of local southern cooking for a party. You may have heard of it, many in Nexus still speak of it to this day, the quantity of notables, Deities and Chosen attending has yet to be matched, to my knowledge. But I will probably speak of the menu, and the party, at some later date, for we outdid ourselves in the preparation of the meal.   No, I wish to speak today of a meal we did not prepare then, because the ingredients are too rare, and too contentious to be easily obtained, or carried, to fair Nexus. I speak of course, of the breasts of the birds known as the southern death moas. Aggressive and standing as tall as a man, the birds are deadly fighters.   The hunter, and therefore killer, of such a dangerous predator is celebrated by the tribes of the Delzahn, who have a feast in honor of the hunter, both the meat, and the feast, are called Kynarzi. The meal consists of basting the flesh of the breasts of the bird in milk, hen eggs, spices, and slow cook the meat to perfection. Offering first choice of such meat to the hunter, and then distributing the rest to the tribe. I managed, during my wilder youth, to travel with such a tribe, and learn some of their secrets... I've scaled down the recipe here since obtaining even a complete deathmoa breast in Nexus would pay for an entire horse, and be entirely too big for a single serving, besides!
1/2 palm's full
Ground Black Peppercorns
Deathmoa breast
two palm's full
cow's milk
hen's egg
Gem fireseed
Chiaroscuro onyxcorn
three palm's full
rye bread crumbs
  Pluck and pare the meat, bury the spices into the flesh, cover the meat with the milk and the egg, and massage the bread crumbs onto the meat. It should stick lightly, and be ready for grilling over a small wood skewer or larger metal ones.   It is an offense, to the tribles of the Delzahn, to use Denial Bread to baste the flesh of such a bird, instead of regular, non-magical bread, since it causes the whole tribe to forget who hunted the bird, and causes a great loss of prestige to that individual, and resentment often follows. Many a blood feud has been started with such an innocuous premise, my guides tell me.
Chef Eathylous Melisantianis's pamphlet on the cuisines of Ember, Gem, Lock, Nightjar, Hyacinth and Chiaroscuro.


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