Letter to the owner of Sunsilk Textiles

Hi, I got Windblown Snow to write this for me, I'm Fridoros. You probably never heard of me before, and hopefully, will never hear from me again, unless I can somehow repay the huge favor you did me.

Windblown Snow told me the huge favor you did, by insisting I wasn't the one who broke your axle. That's one I owe you.

Then I learned it was Cadence's turn at discipline. That's two I owe you, she's, like most infernal, not big on forgiveness and warm feelings.

But because you didn't report me, she didn't have anything on me, and we were bored, back at the warehouse. And I asked her out. I doubt it'll amount to anything, she keeps saying men are the mistakes she keeps making again and again. So that's three I owe you. Even if it won't last, she's fun!

I hear the bosses are not going to demote me for my mistake either, because you said it was ok. Thank you a fourth time for that.

If you ever need the help of a humble mortal, know that Fridoros got your back.

Thanks agian, Fridoros.

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