Ma-Ha Suchi

"I was young and foolish then, and he was so charming, debonnaire and flighty. I turned into the idealized version of him later, that much I have to admit. Flirty, never hovering in the moment too long."

"Then we broke up, he found someone else, and I exploded over made secondary to his interests."

"I later met her, in another body, another incarnation. Most lunars talk about baggage with Solars, after all, but I've got baggage with fellow lunars and solars, and I guess, so does he, especially if you count Lady Raksi."

— The Diary of Mindless Lunacy

"Thank you for seeing me."

"No, I meant it when I said I wanted to help you..."

"Well, this will be especially difficult, I want to talk, talk about him."

"Which one are you then?"

"Call me Idunn-Keeps-the-apples-of-youth, or Lyana, it doesn't matter to me."


"Listen, I wasn't lying when I said it wasn't what you thought, then..."

"What was it then?"

"I was there on behalf of one of Raksi's apprentices, who wanted in on him, my specialty has always been breaking people up, I recognize only a few peers in that skill."

"Anyone in the convention?"

"Surprisingly, all of them are part of the convention. All official members, not auxiliaries, unlike you."

"What, star-brains? What do they know about relationships? Present company excepted of course."

"Little moon-mad, have you fallen so far that you forgot who Venus is? What she does, and what her twenty do?"

"Well, I may have forgotten things, but I've not forgotten there's 24 of Venus's bunch... Including you, you're one of the four extra."

"Yeah, so that means he's got baggage with people who officially don't exist, have you ever thought about that?"

"That does put him in rare category, except, I don't follow, why would he have baggage with you? I thought he'd forget about you?"

"He cheated, that's how, you see, it was the second time I'd interacted with him, under the protection of my shining weave of fate."

"And the first?"

"I was a new soul, I didn't know how it all worked yet, I reincarnated in the Chante-Sa where his people are, but he got to me somehow, before the Fellowship did."

"I thought that was impossible, I thought they watched fate specifically to prevent that."

"They did, they do, but the Loom was glitched that day, they didn't get to me until a whole month had passed."

"Long enough for what was then the most beautiful exalt in creation, last I checked."

"Well, they don't keep stats for humility, that much I'll tell you for free."

"Never his strongest suit, now that I think about it."


Current Location
Year of Birth
935 FA 1704 Years old
Current Residence
Deep Blue
Goat Horns on his head
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver Fur
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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