Red Field Vivacity

Exalted at fourteen, Red Field Vivacity got her first job running errands for the Bureau of Destiny shortly thereafter. She soon decided this was dull beyond belief and quit, but not before stealing a sackful of treasures from a celestial vault to sell on the black market. With the celestial lions in hot pursuit, she skipped town, fleeing to Creation with her haul.
— Heirs to the shogunate, p. 119 entry on Red Field Vivacity.
  Red Field Vivacity exalted early, but not only are his interactions with The Reliquary of Bleak Tomorrow noteworthy, the failed attempt to adopt him by House Yushoto left bad blood in Lookshy. The ill-disposed artifact keeps dragging him into situations beyond his control. It also seems to keep bringing them back to heaven much more often than is expected, the purpose for this is not fully realized, but has put them, and the artifact, on the Special Convention's radar more than one might otherwise expect.


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