Ruling Council of the city of Sijan-living aspect of dual monarchy

Incomprehensible to most outsiders, the Calendar of Setesh states that the living and the dead must go through the motions, in order, for there to be proper transition from the living to the dead, to the cycle of reincarnation. To that effect, the Calendar of Setesh acts like a forecast and a dayplanner for some, including some of the more powerful entities in the underworld: the Dual Monarchs.   What few understand, is that the Dual Monarchs are intertwined not just with Stygia but with Sijan, as well, spending time 'alive' and 'dead', representing the 'black' of night and death and the 'white' of light and life.   Those Dual Monarchs who are not in stygia are considered unbound by the accords, whether or not they are alive, dead, or some other state. Indeed, many powers displayed by the monarch seek to transcend their death, unlife or life, and cannot be explained otherwise. Ema Sarippad, employed to measure the life of every mortal from atop Kesundang, is oft consulting of the Monarchs through letters, and many messengers form a train of correpondance to the Great King on the Hilt of Sword Mountain, ritual judge of the undead.   Many think the  
— Letter to the burning scale, Regrettable Raiment, 768RR.
Geopolitical, City council
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories

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