Ryleh, Celestial Alignment Never Before Seen

"Come, Mindless Lunacy, the tide waits for no one." Ryleh had come to her lodgings, she didn't know the tall Lunar very well, what she could see, she very much liked though, all those muscles.   "Where are we going?"   "Where your moonmate is hiding."   "He's not my moonmate!"   "Then stopping him will be a small matter."   "What is he supposed to be doing?" She huffed, as she ran next to him, the powerful muscles of his hybrid form flexing like tentacles, as he transformed and the sound of sloshing waves surrounding them both.   "We don't know, but he definitely shouldn't be hanging out in Tea-shop of the Thousand Twilights, the owner complained, discreetly."   "Who's the owner?"   "Ohanlei and Pherula share it, apparently Pherula thought he was going beyond the pale. But the heaven's dragons asked to break up the disturbance were unable to persuade him to leave, he took Pherula and the surviving Dragons hostage."   "Hostage? That no good, affront to Luna..." She started mumbling and clearly only got more agitated as they got closer to the tea shop.   "Wait here." As he said that, he shrunk himself into the small, but deadly blue-ring octopus that was his totem, and slid down a rain cistern that was nearby.   Finding the cistern fed into the large koi pond that was the centerpiece of the teahouse, Ryleh wanted to rub its tentacles together. A mere flicker of will, and he went from the tiny blue-ringed octopi he was most comfortable for long periods of time, to the form of Z'Demetan, a specific shape he had hunted before, a legendary, huge monster, hunched its shoulders against the ceiling of the establishment. A frog's simple eyes hovered over a giant squid's beak as they towered over The Jester of Fate, two dozen regular tentacles, supplemented by four claw-tentacles and six shrimp-like mandibles filled the space beneath the monster, down to the bottom of the pond. The water rushing down even overtaking Ryleh's tell, not that the sound of sea waves crashing over rocks would have been much distinguishable from pond water dripping down a monster onto rocks...   "I have come too far to be stopped by seafood!" Harbequin roared.   "You're pudding! He won't even be able to get his tentacles on you!" Roared Mindless Lunacy, her snow leopard form had bitten its tail to enter the place without making any sound, and she pounced, landing on the Raksha's torso in a single bound.   "Unggh!" For indeed, 800 kilos of feline anything would certainly interrupt most speeches, but in this case, supplementing her attacks with the benisons Lunacy received from Luna meant that ten paws, each composed of five 'pads' or fingers, each tipped with 20 centimeter claws were digging into the non-reality that was Piero. At the same time, Ryleh struck from across the room into his other side with his claw-tentacles, each covered in barbs larger than a mortal's hand and horribly serrated, injecting the blue-ringed octopus' toxin into the wounds, but he yelped. By doing so, he had driven the moonsilver nails Lunacy had driven into Piero's knees deeper, but also hurt two of the tentacles, who was bleeding purple-indigo blood into the pond. Of Piero, there was no longer any sign.   "What happened?"   "He fled, we hurt him badly enough he fled back into the Wyld, hopefully we have some time before he tries anything again. How are the hostages?"   "Help!"   Gentle Pherula had been hung over an impalement device, atop a platform at the center of a crude latrine pit that Piero had widened. The angled platform had been lubricated, and she was fast losing her purchase on it. Lunacy jumped, and changing direction in midair, brought her back onto the same side of the pit as she had jumped from.   Ryleh snicked. "Show-off."   "Hey, if Luna gives it, flaunt it. You'll be all right."   "Yes, I'm already recovering, what about those watchmen?"   "I'll pick them up and bring them to Equilibrium of a Soap Bubble, she'll know what to do." Rlyeh added, still trying to staunch the bleeding of his tentacle by sucking it into its beak, picking up the soldiers in armor, he walked out the front door.   "Thanks." Lunacy added. "Any idea what 'he' wanted?"   "Not really, he certainly seemed cruel, but I've never met him before, and I doubt he knew much about me, except my title and responsabilities."   "Was it me, or you were naked, when I came in?"   "He tried to take my clothes, yes. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction, not when the simplest of charm will clad me in a teabag."   "That's what this is?"   "No, that's my regular dress, Hanafokun, although, come to think of it, it started as a humble jute for teas, when I was young." The golden-coloured silk filligreed-through with orichalcum had clearly been improved several times since.


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