
In the beginning, by the RR 456, was Ali of the Last Whisper, otherwise known as 'The Copper Rose'. The Copper Rose, like many Raksha candidates to a greater legend, was cruel and sinister. But unlike many other minor potentates in the southern bordermarches close to the feet of Palanquin's statues, he was seldom cruel unnecessarily, and so his legend grew.   As it did, he started keeping normal, mundane pets, like Sahmara. Sahmara, a small hummingbird, no greater than your thumb, whose song of surpassing beauty attracted all those who heard it. All was well, until its properties on the Wyld were discovered. Attempting to kill the small cat by throwing it into a river of glass failed, for the glass seemed to kill the cat, but really carried it into the middlemarches of the Wyld, where none go safely. Surviving like only the fiercest predator in Creator could, Sahmara grew fearsome, but shy, never one to be seen willingly, always attacking from surprise.


Out in the desert, past the tents and the the sands, sings the wind Cahusiko, where Cahusiko blows, sometimes, rivers of glass form, sliding down dunes, and collecting as smaller panes of glass. Sometimes the guildsmen collect these, to make items.


One day, out gathering, Yhzia was seperated from the group, and briefly hunted, the creature was born in the sands, a small, normal, black-footed hunting cat. Its eyes the color of amber, its face like a siamese cat of our lands, but larger, perhaps two thirds the size of a cheetah. It was Sahmara, scarred, hunted, the small wyld cat, who thought Yhzia would make good eating. After a tussle, which proved that Yhzia was no mere 'food', Cahusiko came back, and as Yhzia decided to save the cat, when she offered the binding to make her her familiar, the cat accepted willingly.

— Words of Sanity dropping away like petals.


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