Scarf of ends meeting

My enemy is watching me, I know.   I always know.   I'm never really at rest, although I appear it, from time to time, to fool them.   I cheat. Every sixth and twelfth breath I take, I am at rest.  


Every time someone bearing this item is attacked, roll a d10, on a 1-through-3, the bearer can be considered 'ambushed', otherwise, consider them 'ready'. This also means the character can be ambushed without his ambushers actually doing anything to justify ambushing them. It's the weakness of this item.

Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Raw materials & Components
A single loop of nondescript grey wool, 40cm wide, and two-people lengths long, looped upon itself in a moebius loop.
Instead of resting 8hrs a day, mostly, like most mortals do. this scarf lets the bearer sleep for seconds out of every minute. Due to this, if they are hit during the exact moment they are resting, they are considered 'hit while nondefended' receiving a two dice penalty to defense.


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