Session 2024-09-13, the spice of essence

General Summary

  • Finished combat on the ship.
  • Found devil-rats in the hold, trying to eat the supplies, and Steele Cast, protecting the mortals. They were scared off the ship, burrowing holes into it, that needed repairs.
  • A craft venture later, the ship was repaired, and enhanced.
  • The group sent the ship ahead, with crafted protections, wards and similar attunements, it is unlikely anything but an essence 2 exalt or higher could even stop the vessel.
  • After this particular bit of business was done, the party jumped back on the skiff, and flew back to Nexus, taking note of the predatory position the new Guild Mobile Pyramid was in.
  • Stelsor reached out to Prital on advice for a neutral venue, but her suggestion of the Firewander did not meet his approval.
  • After making it back to home base, the group started mentioning the name of Essence of Spice Trade a lot, as he's the Arthictect of Nexus, turns out he paid attention:
  • a spicy scent and flute music started coming out of the tunnels under the mansion. Bares Fangs at the Sun started following them with his enhanced senses and led the group to a shop next to Nurlissa's tunnel, arranged like a teepee, from which Essence of Spice trade came out, going: "what took you guys so long?". After agreeing on doing his best to keep the negotiations honest, he mentioned that holding the negotiations on Baron Ember's boat might both be considered "neutral" and not cause any issues for the Coin, who've been ordered to leave the city.
    Report Date
    15 Sep 2024


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