Session from 2023-07-14

General Summary

Hai! Hai! I am Percival! I am a Rat, I am cute, I think.
  Today I did something extraordinary, my human-ish, Malakai asked me to do a thing!
  Hai! Hai! Squeak ! Squeak! And I did it! I found out something!
  I was in the alley behind the place that smells of honey all the time! There were these two humans, rough, starving humans, one of them piked and ate a rat rival of mine! Couldn't happen to a better ratfink!
  They were talking, and the topic was of interest to Malakai! They said there would be a sale, of precious items made of magic! Woot! I wonder what that looks like. At any rate, it's in three days. Malakai was very happy, and gave me a treato!
  That was before we went into the first tomb, I snuck in his chest. What? You've never snuck into a human's removable chest before? It's very fun, he's got lots of moving parts! Anyways, they went into this place stinking of dead humans, and spoke to invisible dead humans, thanks to Malakai I could see them! They were scary!
  Then we went to this other tomb, we had to go through a wall. Malakai's friend that looks like a great big metal human pushed a button and the wall opened up, WEE! But that was after his friend that looks like a spring garden just walked through the wall like it wasn't there.
  Inside, on the lower level, was this crazy ghost! He was in love with this urn, this... E-wer? Said it came from V-Nus. No idea who that was, although the ghost seemed to think she was the bees'knees. Then Malakai did some sorcery!
  Sorcery! And summoned a great big puppy, like this long tall humongous tracking puppy, and told it to find the E-wer. And it ran, and boy was I glad I was inside Malakai's chest, cuz I only have short paws, that thing can RUN!
Report Date
19 Sep 2024


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