
"These young ones, see how they still have a glare to their eyes? I am ancient beyond your ken, I remember when the Island you called Ys hadn't gained its first magical Sorcery-Engine, when the Dragon-kings used it as a vacation resort, and cavorted on it beaches, but ever with guards on hand, lest the Epoch warriors find them unprepared.   I also remember the ancient city of Dari, yes, Dari of the Mists, I visited there, before the rise of the Great Companies, it was much different, more elegant, beautiful, less hurried anger and black debt. I blame the so-called Sovereign of Chains.   I was a young spectre then, Stygia had not yet had its ears nailed to its skull yet. These 'signatories' just made a mess of things, even in Ys, my kind can be kidnapped and ransomed by the mortal humans, and Stygia does nothing, these young 'abyssals' do nothing."


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