Silent Curator of Harmony

Silent Curator of Harmony spent most of his life in the Celestial Bureaucracy, becoming an invaluable attaché to the Golden Barque of the Heavens — headquarters of the Division of Journeys — and forging connections across Yu-Shan. He’s since retired to live out his last few decades surrounded by friends and family. He likes to say he’s working on a book now, a history of his community, but really spends most of his time mentoring and assisting younger Dragon-Blooded. Curator still has the ears of several prominent deities, and uses favors owed him by a handful of Sidereals to help Heaven’s Dragons facing undue hardship or discrimination.
— Heirs to the shogunate, p.119, entry on Silent Curator of Harmony.
  "What better cover, indeed, that the idea that one's life has run it's course? That one is done, and can finally rest, and gently rock grandchildren over one's knee? That was my first mistake. I thought I could let the excitement go. I thought I could ever be done with the business..."


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