Sovereign Traders

Anhaltra Ridgeborn looked at her niece, whom she hadn't seen in five years, with surprise: "You can't be serious."   "What?"   "You mean Sultan Lamaru has changed his tune?"   "I didn't give him any choice, if he wants his cloth-of-wind this month, he has to get us to help!"   "My beautiful girl, you've grown so much!"   "Aw, auntie, control yourself! I'm not that much younger than you!"   "But you look eighteen!"   "Well, the chosen of the Dragons do enjoy youthful good looks..."   "This will almost double our profits this month!"   "I'm rather pleased with the outcome, myself. Did you hear about the city?"   "No, what about it?"   "Some fracas happened, during Rhodomaron."


  • Controlling interest in trade between palanquin and the City of Blue Gauze
  • Ownership of 75% of the fishing fleet of palanquin, giving it a chokehold on the food going into the city.
  • One skyship, the Breeze of Memory, damaged in the conquest of Ysyr and still under repair.
  • Your goods are always safe with us!

    Financial, Merchant League
    Leader Title


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