Speaker of The Final Silence

In an age long past, an age yet to come, an age that never was, an age that cannot help but be, the God Arcadelt, God of World-Shattering Events, keeper of the apocalypse scrolls, was charged by the Primordials into keeping the Apocalypse Scrolls and recording the events of note which were prescibed to come therein. Some of those events are to come under the hand and aegis of what would have became Neverborn and Deathlords, had their fates proven true: The Dragon That Was, The power behind the throne and The Phoenix Riding Astride the World. The struggle to reconcile those fates with the apolyptic events prescribed therein, and the lack of their actually happening drove him quite mad.   Those with wisdom, those who listen, know the secrets within the words that I speak, those with the sagacity given to a hummingbird know that such a thing is terrifying to the extreme. What quite few know is that not only was Arcadelt a God, but he had been among the five-score fellowship, before his ascension, being chosen by Jupiter herself, to keep the secrets of the scrolls. He kept not his third soul, but all of the knowledge one can expect of such a senior Sidereal, including at least one Sidereal Martial Art.   In the past life, the future events, the fate that never happened, this insane God was killed by the Dragon that Was, using the Black Spiral. He has returned as a deathlord, a Ghost, but one that never was, and so manifests powers and arcanoi strange even to other ghosts, some comparing him more to a Getimian, those that have experience of them. Taking the name of Speaker of the Final Silence, and intending to bring about the final death of the universe, beyond even the wildest dreams of the neverborn, he is more insane than most.   In our reality, he has come back, with a vengeance, with even his own incarnation unaware of his nature, courted by Rakan Thullio quite insistently. Ironically, Rakan's old enemy, Power behind the throne, gets along quite well with Speaker, and they consult often, Speaker acting as a patsy and visible hand, where Power keeps his hand hidden, as is his wont.  
— The broken-winged crane.
Aligned Organization


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