Steele Cast

Manip Ascondi (a.k.a. Steele Cast / Beef)

I was born Manip, Manip Ascondi. I was born in Ticonda, a poor, tiny village on the other side of the volcano from Gem. The volcano erupted, but Gem escaped its wrath, that time. Not Ticonda. I lost my family, my neighbours, everything, that day.

Then, just when I was going to give in to despair, I heard a voice in my head.

I can hear your arguments, I was addled, I was hearing voices...

It wasn't that, it was Sol Invictus, Ignis Divine to mortals.

He said: "Where have you been, old friend, I've need of your skills..." and my life changed, again.

"I've been a slave four times, to four different masters, before I said: 'Never again'."

— Sayings of a wandering Solar.
  The Nexus Circle first encountered Steele Cast after trying to track down the people responsible for blinding Haussmann Firewand Firewand.
Ticonda, a village near Gem
he / him
Massively muscular
Aligned Organization


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