Stygian Pact Signatories

The Dual Monarchs rule as the founders of the city of Stygia, great metropolis of the underworld. In limit to their autority, a scar drawn red against their dignity, stands the Stygian Pact, composed of thirteen signatories:

  • Black Heron/Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral and Robes of Black Feathers
  • The First and Forsaken Lion
  • The Mask of Winters
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water/Silver Prince
  • Aikeret of the Damned Sails
  • The Emerald Shogun
  • Fathom Hermit Shell
  • Fer-Ai-Zo-Yun of Dis,
  • The Quicksilver Burin
  • Sapphire Chain
  • Ukhala Enlightened-in-Blood
  • The White Thyrsus
  • Sesim Ruseka


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