The Curate of the Desecrated Sacrament

"Welcome, oh, so you are my new apprentice? I expected someone taller..."   "I am Repatriator of Souls, formerly known..."   "Tut-tut, don't say your old name, don't think about your old name. You've given it up to the cause, you can't have it back, or even look at it too closely, you wouldn't recognize it now..."   "Ur, ok. So what do you get to do for the Lady?"   "Oh, you have a crush on her, too? That's a crowded bed sometimes..."   "And what do you do for her?"   "Oh, me? Well I speak for her, I move around in the world, I speak on her behalf, I convince rulers to listen to her will..."   "Blackmail?"   "Sometimes, sometimes just shame works... Sometimes they already want to listen, but need an excuse to not listen to their consciences. Some of the other, younger folk, like Da-Ni-Ka and the like, they're helping me with that, since I can't be in two places at once. The lady told me, since you're only a middling fighter, that she'd try you in this role..."   "Who's not a middling fighter? I bet I could take them..."   "I don't think you can take your older brother... I don't think you could take Da-Ni-Ko, either... Not with that armor..."   "Oh, arrows vs armor is a thing?"   "Nobody said you had to take them in a fair fight, but... Even a middling fighter can beat a great fighter in an unfair fight... Don't take it personally, it mostly means you're better at other things."   "And this Da-Ni-Ka?"   "She is adept with knives and whips, I'm told the Lady lets her assist in interrogations, at times."   "Who is the Lady's necromantic apprentice?"   "Blue Sigil is the closest thing she has to a necromantic apprentice, they stay sequestered in the castle at all times, then I guess you could say I am, the Lady specifically gave me training on how to keep my powers as discreet as possible."


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