The Seven Apostrophes of The Efreet

A collection of seven ebony and black jade sections, with soulsteel loops as if to tie them together, but no obvious 'chain', this artifact is often considered mysterious or esoteric. Upon a word of command, loops of what appears to be elemental fire burning forever through looped brass appears between the loops, making this a seven-sectioned staff in truth. The brass rings between the sections, if they touch living flesh, inflict lethal fire/heat damage, 1 level per ring touching/touched.   A different word of command has the loops magically transform into thin strands turning the seven sections into a 2m staff of indeterminate black material, completely solid and sturdy, but with no additional capabilities. It's never been determined if anything can actually bend or break the staff in this state.   A third word of command makes the staff appear burnt/spent, less than half of the material remaining, the rest blowing away as fine ash, until one of the other three words of command, including the next one, is said.   The fourth word of command returns the staff to its state as originally described in this article: 7 sections of ebony wood/black jade, with loops to make a seven-sectioned staff.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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