Venomous Bramble

It has come to our attention that many in the unit come to see the distinguished Venomous Bramble's talents as a threat, and we would caution them that such may be non conducive to long life and promotion into Heaven's Dragons War Talon.

Trust your dragon-blooded officers and fellows and follow the instructions of your superiors in the bureaus and all will be well.

Allegations that soldier Bramble is receiving favourable treatment will be investigated and perpetrators will receive demerits.

— Heaven's Dragon's War Talon Personnel Files, 767.

I was a morale problem waiting to happen, they said.

I kept making everyone jealous, they said.

I was such a flirt, they said.

Boulderdash, they just wouldn't take no for an answer. I was perfectly happy focusing on one person at a time, someone not inside the unit and so not a morale problem, but they just wouldn't leave me alone.

That's when I got 'the idea'.

I'd been training, I've been exalted for twenty years now, as heaven reckons time. With that time and training comes skills.

Some of the lesser known skills for us wood-aspected dragon-blooded, have to do with artistic performance.

When someone with a harp and a good signing voice can enspell an entire taproom floor, you don't want to make them mad, know what I'm saying?



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