
In the middle of the Malfean sky, raining caustic green light is Ligier, defining soul of Malfeas, those with sufficient knowledge can refine its light into Vitriol, the caustic essence of the unrelentingly lethal radiation.

What many know is that Vitriol, the fluid essence of Malfeas can etch solid materials, from fabrics to metals, either damaging or imparting its pitiless nature to those materials.

What few know, is that fluid of Malfeas can be made solid by enclosing it in a vitriol-etched glass jar with the sound of the Orison of Silence in Her Name for one thousand six hundred and sixty-three days, exactly. At the end of that period, the disease known as the orison will have perished, and the vitriol will have turned into a soft, malleable metal, not unlike green-tinged gold, enough to make a short daiklave's blade.

— The song of the green sun, Apocryphal manuscript attributed to Mara

This shiny, gold/green tinged metal will absorb sorcery, and most artifacts made with it can unlock evocation to allow it to be used to absorb a spell that touches the artifact's sorcerous motes to fuel necromancy on a 2:1 mote basis.

Ligier's contempt.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Resonant, Dissonant, Perilous, Mute Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Ivory Circle Necromancy   By spending one essence mote, and successfully parrying a spell effect with the artifact made of this material, the holder of the artifact cancels the spells for him/her and instead half as many motes(round down) used to power the spell(so, for instance, death of obsidian butterflies's cost is 15sm, so it would grant the caster 7 motes).
  Typical artifacts made with this material fall under these keywords: Dissonant: With Solars and Sidereals Resonant: With Infernals and Getimians Neutral: All other exalts.


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