With a writing brush

The original "Ender", although his replacement, Fire without smoke has been deployed too. Much more muscular, brawny and with many limbs replaced with soulsteel, This stops here is quite an intimidating sight, especially when the soulsteal chooses to moan, or quip one-liners, like "Hasta bueno, chico!"
  "Who's that?"   "That's 'With a writing brush', the most badass bureaucrat you'll ever meet."   "What is he? Nara-O's big brother?"   "No, he's one of us, he's an exalt, card-carrying of the five-score fellowship."   "What? He looks just like a guy, you know?"  
  "Greetings, my apprentice."   "Master, you said you had something to discuss with me urgently?"   "Yes, apprentice, there is a great disturbance in destiny."


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