Magic of the Archives

The very rules of magic itself are often cloudy at best, with researchers from all walks of life dedicating their very livelihoods to the art. And much the same as any other universe, the magic within the archives leaves much to be explained. Always more to learn, and even more to develop! With this said however, the best place to start would be the beginning.   Due to the nature of the, plane? Demiplane? Regardless, the world we reside in, most casters from the outside will find it difficult to preform their various spells. In fact, even simple cantrips are nigh impossible for those who are just entering our realm. This is due to the acclimation process of dimensional mana-shift, meaning that your body still retains whatever form of mana, chi, qi, or whatever else it may be called. The very lifeforce of the world around. The acclimation process is that of your body adapting to the foreign energy here, as our magical fuel here is much more... Condensed if you will. Your bodies obviously don't know how to handle the foreign excess, and it takes quite awhile to adapt. Though the archives do have methods of safely speeding up this process!   There are a multitude of different branches to the magical process, usually fitting somewhere under six schools of magic, Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Cognitation, and Alteration. Though this is not a precise science, as various other realms have other schools, and types of magic - with enough effort, one can use those various spells from another plane here, though it is not without it's own risk.   Casting spells from other realms, using types of magic that don't quite confine themselves to the rules of your reality takes a great toll on the mind. As with all magic, the less you understand, the more difficult to cast - thus a greater strain on your mind. If one were to study a specific type of magic from another realm, perhaps with enough effort one can incorporate practices that seem more familiar to ourselves, and eventually learn to properly cast these spells with no strain at all! Though this practice is merely theoretical.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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