The Archives

The Archives, otherwise known as the Towers of Daedalus. Two noble spires upon sheer stony cliff face, and to the east what remains of a third torn asunder by forces yet unknown to you. Great creaking chains embedded to the very stone, off to the west of the smaller tower, rise off into the foggy expanse outside of our vision. A ramshackle wooden cabin, exposed to the elements, to the north. A dim yet warm light, appearing to emanate from the windows. The Airship has docked, despite this perpetually storming weather. Go forth and seek your knowledge, for this Archive is the central nexus of a multitude of universe's information. Beware of the risks you face, for diving too deep into this well of information, for you never know who - or what you may find.

Purpose / Function

The archives serve as a nexus of information and stories from other worlds.
Parent Location
Related Tradition (Primary)


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